Falling for the Vampire is now complete. Yah! I absolutely loved this story. Sure it’s a lot, LOT darker than Shifter was, but there’s is something about the story and characters that I really enjoyed writing.
I realise it’s probably not going to be to everyone’s tastes and I’m okay with that, since Shifter was light and fun and this is most definitely not.
But I’ll leave that up to your judgement. You are, after all, awesome.
So what’s next?
Since I’ve finished another project it means my head is already planning the next story. I’m super excited too.
You see, Amazon has changed the way it pays authors that are in the Kindle Unlimited program (I am) to a system that rewards longer works. Which means … yes you guessed it … I’m going to write a N.O.V.E.L.
Cool, right? Serials like Shifter and Vampire aren’t as profitable for me as novels will be now, so of course I’m going to jump on that train. Besides, novels were where I wanted to go anyway, plus I think readers prefer novels. I hope so anyway.
So it’s going to be a win win for everyone. I get to write a freakin’ novel (woot!), you get to read a complete story. I’m so looking forward to this next step in my writer journey.
But what is your next story going to be about?
Oh, I have the next TWO stories swimming around in my head. Yes, I do. These stories will be about the other two Hazelton sisters (from Vampire). First up will be Rose, and then Beth.
They’ll still be paranormal romance (of course), and I also know what type of creature/person I’m going to pair them up with. What I don’t know yet, is how or where or what will happen.
So I’ve got some planning to do.
Fun, right?!
I think so.
Anyway, since I’m sure novels are going to take me a longer time to write than the serials did, it might mean that they take me a little longer to write. Although I have no idea, maybe I’ll fly through them? There is only one way to find out.
On that cue, it’s time I got off my blog and opened up a new Scrivener file (that’s the program I use for writing and planning).
Now let’s see what trouble I can get these girls into …
Tully xx
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